NY Social Media Roundtable Post-Game

Yesterday I had the opportunity to set on an amazing panel representing Social Media for Social Change at the first New York Social Media Roundtable event, put on by Flightpath and hosted by Kate Miltner. I was on an amazing panel featuring Rachel Sklar of Chartini, Alison Palmer of The Center, and Soraya Dorabi of Goods4Good. Matt Caldecutt’s write-up is here but Alice Hunt’s write up of the event itself seems to be the most complete and is available here (she corrected my name from Knoll to Knell in a follow-up post). Also, check out the Twitter hashtag for the event for other audience reaction.  Thanks to everyone who made the event possible.

After the event was over, I had a chance to briefly catch up with video blogger extraordinaire Shira Lazar about the event and SM4SC for the Internet Week NY website. Hope you enjoy.

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