Protecting the brand that matters most: your own

At a wonderful day at BarCampPhilly yesterday, I was treated to a wonderful day of meeting amazing people in the Philadelphia tech scene, and a bunch of wide ranging sessions, covering the full gamut of technology – playing “Jedi Mind Tricks” to help aid cross-team/function communication,’ learning about the best practices in moving from a… Continue reading Protecting the brand that matters most: your own


And then it was over. More than twelve weeks, countless IMs, text messages, tweets, blog posts, direct messages, e-mails, phone calls, volunteers, supplies, bus trips, plane trips, Kinko’s runs, first winds, second winds, and third winds (I can’t tell you how much work went in after midnight) led up to the inaugural SM4SC fundraiser in… Continue reading Awesomeness

In case you missed it…

I got a wonderful opportunity to appear on Sun Microsystems’ Socially Speaking radio show on BlogTalkRadio. Thanks to Sun, Russ Castronovo, Margie Easter and Kristin Maverick for giving me the opportunity. Listen here: or check out a permalink to the show.

The battle for who could care less

The rapture is coming. And, at the risk of being alarmist, the truth is that it’s coming in a way many of us have never seen. This rapture manifests itself in the battle for the discovery of the self – one fought by historians, psychologists, sociologists, comedians, musicians and ordinary people. The fundamental and most… Continue reading The battle for who could care less